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Transformative technology doesn’t come along often, so when it does, scientists take notice. Spatial biology has rapidly changed how investigators study diverse cellular landscapes across multiple dimensions. This has allowed researchers to study cells in context with their localized environment—affording them novel biological insights. A thorough understanding of complex spatial host-disease interactions in situ is necessary to develop effective preventative measures and therapeutic strategies.

In this GEN webinar, our distinguished presenter Dr. Sizun Jiang will detail data from a clinical cohort of cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL) patients, in which he and his laboratory show how to robustly titrate and validate antibodies with the highly multiplexing capabilities of CODEX®. Dr. Jiang will also describe how his findings can be extended to understanding immune-tumor interactions for a better understanding of immunotherapy responses and strategies in CTCL. Additionally, we will hear from Dr. Niro Ramachandran, who has had his finger on the pulse of the spatial biology market since its inception. He will discuss the need for new techniques that take full advantage of complementary technologies to unravel complex biological mechanisms in healthy and diseased tissues. Finally, he’ll provide an overview of Akoya’s Imaging Innovators (I2) network, a first-of-its-kind collaboration of pioneering scientists from world-class research organizations with ambitions to advance the field of spatial biology. Dr. Jiang is a founding member of the I2 network.

A live Q&A session followed the presentation, offering a chance to pose questions to our expert panelists.

Webinar produced with support from:

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Sizun Jiang, PhD
Sizun Jiang, PhD
Principal Investigator
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Niro Ramachandran, PhD
Niro Ramachandran, PhD
Chief Business Officer
Akoya Biosciences