October 15, 2015 (Vol. 35, No. 18)


Strong Points: Large collection of images
Weak Points: Movies don’t play on all operating systems


The Protist Information Server serves up a plethora of protist (and other microorganism) images. In fact, there are over 81,000 of them on the website, and they represent over 3,000 species. Site visitors navigate the page by selecting a phylum of interest and working their way down to specific species. There are also some general categories that can be explored, such as cell division and sexual reproduction. Text descriptions on the site are kept to a minimum, although brief descriptions highlighting salient features of particular phylogenetic groupings can be found throughout the website. Unfortunately users cannot merely browse the entire image collection form the homepage; however, if one is willing to spend a little time digging around, there are many neat images to be found.

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