June 1, 2008 (Vol. 28, No. 11)


Strong Points: Topical information
Weak Points: Confusing navigation

As you probably noticed over the past few months, blogs are increasingly catching my attention and this one, in particular, seems well suited for GEN readers. Focused on systems biology, Blogging the Biotechnology Revolution is absolutely loaded with interesting material. The only problem is accessing it. For example, the right half of the opening page is a long listing of a blog from the RECOMB Satellite System Biology meeting. These include some fascinating posts including “Cracking the Second Genetic Code,” “Evolution of Gene Expression,” and “Bioinformatics as an Engine for Oncology Discovery.” The problem is the section on the left of the opening page where other material is organized under Previous Posts. These seem to be in a higgledy-piggledy arrangement and clicking on one causes the whole list of topics to scroll up, and the page changes. I was constantly trying to figure my way around this page. I think someone needs to go back to programming school. That’s about the only shortcoming, though. Archives dating back to 2005 and a collection of links round out this very nice site.

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