September 1, 2016 (Vol. 36, No. 15)
Strong Points: Pages load quickly, can locally download catalogue
Weak Points: External links not useful, basically just a catalogue
Although basically just a nicely organized version of the corresponding online catalogue, the Thermo Scientific Pierce Antibodies still offers a convenient, easy-to-browse resource for researchers on the move. Products are divided into three documents that are accessible from the home screen: cell organelle, neuroscience research, and protein loading control. Each of these documents can be locally downloaded so as to be available in the absence of an internet connection; however, without an internet connection, users will be unable to access product information or technical information for individual products. (That said, the online links to those resources are not useful, as the links all redirect to the ThermoFisher Scientific antibodies homepage, rather than product-specific pages.) Despite the limitations, the app provides nice functionalities such as a search feature and the ability to add bookmarks for later viewing.