January 1, 2015 (Vol. 35, No. 1)


Strong Points: Lots of information for elements, color coding options
Weak Points: None




At first glance the Periodic Table of The Chemical Touch app looks just like any other Periodic Table…and perhaps not even as impressive, since tapping on an element displays just the atomic number and atomic mass. However, there is much more to this Periodic Table than meets the eye. For example, after tapping on a particular element, selecting an icon on the left side of the screen will display quite a bit of information for that element. There is so much information, in fact, that it is divided into five categories: general properties, ionization energies, isotopes, x-ray absorption/emission, and reduction potentials. Furthermore, users can change the color-coding of the Periodic Table to reflect properties such as density, boiling point, or electronegativity. In addition to the Periodic Table, the app also includes an amino acid table and a codon table. 

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