January 1, 1970 (Vol. , No. )




Strong Points: Lessons are well-done, nicely designed app

Weak Points: Features in free version quite limited






Chem Pro is a nicely designed chemistry study tool that comes in free and “full access” (i.e. not free) varieties. If you pay the $9.99 for full access, you will have 80 chemistry lessons at your fingertips. Lessons range from about five to forty-five minutes in length, and they consist of narrated lecture slides. Unfortunately, text transcripts of the lessons don’t seem to be available within the app. If you’re not quite ready or willing to commit to purchasing the full version, the free version is still a nice resource for introductory concepts in chemistry. Ten lessons are included in the free app, spanning basic topics like atomic mass, stoichiometry, and limiting reagents. Beyond the lessons, the app also includes flashcards for, among other things, element names an symbols, as well as a very basic Periodic Table. As with the lessons, some of the features within these additional sections of the app are restricted to the full access version.

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