May 15, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 10)
Strong Points: Sleek site design, easy navigation
Weak Points: Nothing major
Colorful protein ribbon diagrams already have a lot going for them in the way of being visually appealing. So you can only imagine the awesome synergy of ribbon diagrams and a sleek, simple website design (look out!). Kudos to Rob Russell, a professor at the University of Heidelberg and the mastermind behind this website for his laboratory. (Though I should keep my praise in check—Dr. Russell did design his website from a free template, after all…) So what will one actually find on this site (beyond ribbon diagrams, that is)? The most useful aspect of the website is the “services” page. This page contains 14 links, articles, or other resources relevant to researchers who get pumped-up about proteins. These include 3SOM (a tool to analyze 3-D surface overlap maximization), a prediction tool for microRNA targets in Drosophila, and a website devoted to yeast complexes.