

Rating: Excellent

Strong Points: Easy to navigate, easy to search for upcoming

conferences that are using the app.

Platform: iPhone/iPad/Android

Cost: Free

Whova is the perfect app for organizing your conference experience, whether that conference is back to meeting in person or still being held online. The app consolidates everything you need to know in one place, making it easy to double check the schedule, note the posters you want to visit, and get more information on the vendors and booths present. The app also includes community features, where attendees can post questions in open forums or send direct messages to new contacts. There are numerous features for conference organizers as well, including the ability to make announcements directly to attendees, tools for promoting the event, and even a handy guide of organizer tips. Whova is a great app for organizing your conference experience, whether you’re joining as an attendee or organizing the conference itself.

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