April 1, 2015 (Vol. 35, No. 7)
Strong Points: Customizable protocols, can run/annotate protocols in app
Weak Points: Navigation through app can be cumbersome
If you use Promega kits or reagents in your research, the Promega Protocols app may be useful to have on hand. This app includes a large collection of protocols for Promega products spanning 19 experimental categories such as cloning, epigenetics, DNA purification, PCR, and protein purification. Each protocol comes as an easy-to-display abbreviated version, though there is the option to open the complete protocols (the technical manuals) within the app as well. Users can add specific protocols to their “favorites” list, and the app also displays the names of recently opened protocols on the dashboard. One of the best features is the option to customize the existing protocols. (The app creates a copy so that you don’t overwrite the originals.) Users can also “run” the protocols within the app, checking off steps as they’re completed and adding notes. The annotated protocols can then be emailed as pdfs, ready to be pasted into your lab notebook.