July 1, 2013 (Vol. 33, No. 13)




Strong Points: Very easy to use

Weak Points: Lessons hosted on Educreations website; can’t be saved






Interactive Whiteboard by Educreations is an incredibly useful app for teachers, students, labmates, colleagues, and more. The app is a recordable whiteboard: users hit the “record” button, and then proceed to draw, add text, or add images to create a lesson. The completed lessons are hosted on the Educreations website. App users can register for a free Educreations account in order to be able to share their lessons with other people. Additionally, users can browse public lessons made by others according to subject area. Subject areas include computer technology, science, mathematics, social studies, and others. The app is incredibly easy to use and will surely prove handy when discussing science with your labmates or when trying to explain a concept to students or colleagues.

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