Welcome to the third and final installment of FRONT ROW, a three-part video series from GEN Edge, hosted by contributing editor Malorye Branca, which takes us to the frontlines of research. This first series explores recent breakthroughs in three facets of Alzheimer’s disease research.
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In the third episode of this series—“Blood Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s”—Branca interviews Henrick Zetterberg, MD, PhD, Professor of Neurochemistry at the University of Gothenburg, in Sweden. Zetterberg discusses the exciting progress in recent years, from his group and others, on the development of blood biomarkers, which could help deliver treatment to patients earlier and save neurons. Zetterberg’s team studies many neurological diseases in addition to Alzheimer’s. He describes how technological advances have improved the detection of circulating biomarkers at very low levels, and how that information is being used diagnostically and therapeutically.