Three-story addition to building will provide space and services to approximately 300 researchers.

As a result of a $21.7 million bonding issue approved by the Minnesota Legislature, a new genomics research facility has been dedicated at the Vincent Stabile Building in Rochester. The three-story addition to the building includes genomic laboratories, facilities for bioinformatics, and conference and meeting rooms that will support ongoing research by the Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics.

The Minnesota Partnership is a collaborative venture among the Mayo Clinic, University of Minnesota, and State of Minnesota. On December 14, 2006, the University of Minnesota purchased the 12th and 13th floor Partnership research space in the Stabile Building and leased it back to Mayo Clinic.

“This facility offers Minnesota Partnership researchers the laboratory support and technology needed to speed research aimed at major diseases affecting the people of the state,” says Glenn Forbes, M.D., CEO of Mayo Clinic, Rochester.

The facility will house approximately 300 researchers. “The kind of space we are providing to researchers in the Stabile Building will help us to attract top talent and research dollars for the Partnership and it will serve as a catalyst for other bioscience development in Minnesota,” says Frank Cerra, senior vp for Health Sciences, University of Minnesota.

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