Goal of relationship is to integrate Phenyx software platform with MPC cluster.

Geneva Bioinformatics (GeneBio) will integrate its Phenyx software platform for MS data analysis into the Goodlett Laboratory’s planned 200 node Multitiered Proteomics Compute (MPC) cluster.

GeneBio and the Goodlett Laboratory have already begun working together to enhance Phenyx’ operation on the Laboratory’s existing 40 node MPC. The Laboratory expects to use Phenyx as their primary proteomics analysis engine. Phenyx-generated identifications will be vetted by the Insilicos’ Proteomics Pipeline, a tool supported through collaboration between Insilicos and GeneBio.

David R. Goodlett, Ph.D., associate professor of medicinal chemistry at the University of Washington, said “We are excited about this collaboration and will use it as a starting point to further refine and develop our MS workflow. The Lab and GeneBio plan to work together on scientific projects of mutual interest; our own internal developments will go hand-in-hand with special developments on Phenyx to optimally adapt it to these projects, one of which includes running protein de novo folding software combined with MS/MS data interpretation.”

The Goodlett Laboratory currently uses a 40-node cluster to identify proteins from peptide tandem mass spectra for a diverse set of scientific applications. Phenyx is a software platform for the identification and characterization of proteins and peptides from mass spectrometry data. The platform is designed to meet the concurrent demands of high-throughput MS data analysis and dynamic results assessment.

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