October 15, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 18)
Strong Points: Empowering through knowledge
Weak Points: A bit scattered
A fascinating site with two powerful subtitles, “Knowledge is Power” and “Empower Yourself Through Education,” The Free Information Society has its ideals front and center, where they belong. I first discovered the site via the historical recordings it houses, and after poking around I discovered excellent sections on science, technology, and mathematics. It’s a little hard to accurately capture what the site does. There are, for example, simple descriptions of the “how to” variety, basic biographical profiles, and historical perspectives. On the techie side, there are tutorials on computer programming, downloadable source code, and PDFs covering many areas of mathematics describing how to work with various types of equations. To get a full appreciation of the content at the site you’ll need to visit it yourself. I think most readers will find something to like.