October 15, 2014 (Vol. 34, No. 18)


Strong Points: Large number of links, lots of information
Weak Points: None


While it is true that the heading “primates in the news” is appropriate to just about all news headlines, on the Primate Info Net this phrase specifically refers to nonhuman primates. This website, from the National Primate Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides site visitors with not only the latest primate news, but also a lot of educational, research, and career resources related to primates and working with primates. The “about the primates” section of the website includes species-specific factsheets, taxonomy information, and a large number of links to primate-related websites. Under “research resources,” site visitors will find a number of resources dedicated to care and management of lab animals, as well as information about research grants and links to genomics resources. Finally, more links can be found under the “educational resources” section, including career-related information.

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