April 15, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 8)
Strong Points: Well written, topical
Weak Points: Nothing significant
I’ve covered the main scienceblogs page before in this column, but I recently discovered a subsection of it that is too important to ignore. Dubbed Pharyngula, the page’s subtitle, “Evolution, development, and random ejaculations from a godless liberal”, kind of says it all. The author in question appears to be P.Z. Myers, a professor at the University of Minnesota. Morris and his writings are fun, hip, and squarely in the face of anyone with an antiscience bent. Hot topics on the site when I visited were “The Strange Case of the Woman with a Breast on Her Foot”, “Anti-Vaccination Foolishness in Minnesota”, and “How to Teach a Religion Class”. If you’re tired of the attention antiscience folks are getting in the mainstream news, this is the site for you.