August 1, 2013 (Vol. 33, No. 14)
Strong Points: Good site design, advanced search features
Weak Points: Not all MGI data accessible at present
Most researchers who work with mice are aware of the many great genetics resources available through the MGI (mouse genome informatics) database. While you can still of course peruse the MGI website to access those resources, there is now a new way to explore MGI data: MouseMine. Using the InterMine data system, MouseMine gives users more advanced options with regard to searching MGI data. These options include saving one’s queries in lists and modifying those queries. At present, MouseMine does not include all of the data from MGI (that is the ultimate goal), but there is a lot of information already accessible through the site. Users can search genome features, genotypes, alleles, and curated annotations, among other data. The site includes tutorials for its unique features (using template queries, creating custom queries, and working with lists).