April 15, 2010 (Vol. 30, No. 8)
Strong Points: Nice animation
Weak Points: Some additional work required to view Chime tutorials
For the molecule that eschews a sedentary lifestyle, there is Molecules in Motion, a website dedicated to molecules on the go! Well, okay, it really has to do with molecular animations and interactive versions of molecular figures. “Structure and Function”—that’s what we’re told from day one in biochemistry and biophysics, and the interrelatedness of the two becomes apparent when one tours the many 3-D animations of molecules on this website. You can take a look at antibodies, DNA, and protein-DNA interactions, to name a few, while also exploring some interactive 3-D figures from Biochemical Journal (no journal subscription required). Additionally, there are a number of Chime tutorials, which require a free Chime plug-in but also Netscape 4.5-4.7. (Honestly, who has Netscape anymore?)