July 1, 2008 (Vol. 28, No. 13)
Strong Points: Very informative in places
Weak Points: Some sections too brief
You go shopping for a domain name and discover, to your disappointment, that the one you want has already been taken. You had been hoping to use the domain name to bring people to your new site. What do you do? If you’re the designers of Microscope, you decide to one-up the original name by doubling it—microscope-microscope.com—a clever idea and one that will stay in visitors’ heads. What’s surprising about the site is that it’s not overly commercial—no real advertisements and apart from buyer’s guide-relative information, no real push to get visitors to buy particular systems. What the site has strongly in its corner is information aimed at educating potential purchasers about how to buy a scope and what to look at after they get it. There is a collection of attractive though not high-resolution images that can be viewed and a small list of school activities. Some sections seemed a bit brief, but the lack of commercials made this one a pleasant surprise.