May 15, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 10)



Strong Points: Great reading

Weak Points: A bit scattered


Speaking of long opening pages, will compete well. The reason is due to packing of a lot of content in one place, but why? It really isn’t necessary—a little hierarchical design would do wonders. Nevertheless, is an interesting and informative site. Serving as an “Internet journal of emerging medical technologies,” is packed with articles like you might expect. Some of these included nanotechnology to restore vision after a trauma; magnetism for the treatment of hallucinations, intra-aortal monitoring, and more. The articles at the site are not all strictly techie. The opening article at the top of the issue was a link to a song about glaucoma that appears to be unintentionally funny (and tacky, as well). The site also contains a slew of links to useful other information. While the focus here isn’t as tight as I’d like to have seen, it does contain some great reading.

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