April 15, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 8)




Strong Points: Interesting products

Weak Points: Weak in content


The latest reported occurrence of mad cow disease in the U.S. recently hit the newswires. Why do I mention that here? Well, to be honest it is a bit out of place, but the issue of animal health is, after all, what Immucell is all about. Describing itself as a “product-driven company with a focus on solving problems for the dairy and beef industries worldwide,“ Immucell provides products for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases relevant to the dairy and beef industries. Apparently focused on the antibacterial agent Nisin, Immucell provides products for common cattle diseases, including mastitis and calf scours, as well as prevention approaches and diagnostics for other diseases. According to the Website, they now have an alliance with Pfizer, so expect to hear big things from Immucell in the future.

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