March 15, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 6)


Strong Points: Eclectic
Weak Points: Needs more focus

A curious site with a curious name, Element List describes itself as science links for scientists, but that’s a bit simplistic. To start, the site has a blog section that is a bit odd and is focused mainly on the news. Second, science forums provide opportunities for registered members to chat. Third, there is a section entitled “Science Jobs” that seemed (at press time) mostly focused on positions relating to math or that require strong math skills. The links section of the site contains a nice hierarchical design led by main categories, such as Research Labs, News/Journals, Science & Society, Science Education, and Research Opportunities, among others. Each of these contains numerous sub-headings that were unlinked, for some reason, but each main heading led to additional, useful sites. The linked sites were eclectic and, in most cases, interesting and informative. A mixed bag overall.

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