May 15, 2014 (Vol. 34, No. 10)
Strong Points: Variety of free bioinformatics tools
Weak Points: Many tools not cross-platform
As a leading institution in medical training and clinical research, it is appropriate that the Mayo Clinic is also taking a leading role in the development of new bioinformatics tools for genomic data. The Bioinformatics Program at the Mayo Clinic has made its software packages freely available for academics on the Bioinformatics Software Packages website. There are currently 14 software packages available on the site. To briefly highlight a few, BIMA is a mapping/alignment tool designed for next-generation sequencing; ESNV-DETECT uses RNA-Seq data to identify sequence variants; and GENOMESMASHER allows users to create “diploid” FASTA sequence files containing genetic features such as indels and SNPs that can be used to test next-generation sequencing pipelines via in silico simulations. Site visitors should be aware that many of the tools require LINUX or a cluster environment.