September 1, 2008 (Vol. 28, No. 15)



Strong Points: Organization

Weak Points: A little light


Cells in developing tumors, the story goes, require more oxygen than normal cells due to their higher metabolic rate. Indeed, it is thought that the growth of blood vessels toward tumor cells is an important step in their development. It is no surprise, therefore, that drugs suppressing angiogenesis are readily sought for the treatment of cancers. The H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute hosts this rather spotty collection of information on the subject of angiogenesis and cancer control. To find the goods, you’ll need to look around. The Search Clinical Trials database is the main offering here with options for selecting on the basis of disease type, drug, therapy, and phase of the disease. Most of the other links at the site are more aimed at general info or about the institute itself.

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