Geneious Server enables whole-genome assembly.
The CDC in Atlanta and Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) in Maryland have purchased Biomatters’ software package Geneious Server to manage their next-generation sequencing assembly and analysis workflows. Walter Reed is reportedly the first official Geneious Server customer.
Geneious Server allows users to offload large sequence analysis jobs to servers and computing clusters, harnessing institutions’ existing computational resources for speed gains, from the Geneious Pro interface. Full genome assembly can be performed with data generated by Illumina, 454, and SOLiD technologies and is compatible with future sequencing technologies.
The technology will allow WRAIR to efficiently manage the large data set generated from routine sequencing operation and improve the overall turnaround time to accomplish targeted sequences of worldwide origins, points out Biomatters.
“Institutions will be able to better leverage their existing IT and technology investments by making it easier for researchers to perform analysis on their high-performance computing systems,” says Biomatters CEO, Candace Toner. “Researchers gain access to the leading peer-reviewed algorithms and common workflow processes as well as faster computing.”
Prior to launch, 12 other institutions had been beta testing the new server software, including the DeRisi Lab at University of California, San Francisco, The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, BP Biofuels, and the University of Queensland, Biomatters reports.