Redefining Cell and Gene Therapy Navigation

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Charles River Labs February eBook coverMaking the right choices in manufacturing and testing early-on is critical for gaining regulatory approval and achieving patient access faster. Charles River’s suite of cell and gene therapy solutions can support your drug’s entire lifecycle, from discovery to commercialization. We have supported the development of 11 FDA-approved cell and gene therapies and have conducted more than 900 studies in this field in 2023 alone.

Delivering a streamlined continuum from R&D product creation for proof of concept, to plasmid, viral vector, and cell therapy manufacturing, we provide phase-appropriate materials, utilizing platforms that scale into clinic and commercial, and ensuring timelines don’t get derailed by process change requirements. Integrated biologics testing and full-scale CDMO capabilities ensure the highest manufacturing quality control and efficient logistics management, with an approach that combines R&D with CMC to maximize knowledge transfer, reduce bottlenecks, and accelerate development of cell and gene therapies.

Whatever the terrain, your CDMO should be a trusted partner to help expedite, de-risk, and streamline the path to clinic and beyond.


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