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Labeling of tissue samples through either immunohistochemistry (IHC) or in situ hybridization (ISH) for microscopic visualization and analysis has been a cornerstone of cell biology research for decades. The continued use of these techniques within a host of life sciences laboratories is a testament to the invaluable information they provide to research investigators. However, slide preparation and staining have been notoriously time consuming and tedious techniques that, until recently, were often overlooked when companies were adapting high-throughput methodologies for laboratory applications.

Now, new equipment and methodologies have allowed researchers to streamline their IHC and ISH workflows, affording them the opportunity to answer an array of research questions in exponentially shorter times with greater reproducibility.

In this GEN webinar, Edward Abril, research specialist at The University of Arizona Cancer Center, will describe how the multiplexing platform technology is used in a research IHC core facility, providing researchers with high-quality, reproducible results for diseases such as colorectal and prostate cancer.

Adrian Murillo, scientist at Ventana Medical Systems—a member of the Roche Group, will provide information on new techniques and reagents for multiplexing labeling assays and the multitude of applications for the DISCOVERY ULTRA platform.

You Will Learn

  • How new chromogens and fully automated multiplexed IHC assays can streamline your research.
  • How the DISCOVERY ULTRA is adaptable to a broad array of tissue testing capabilities.
  • How this staining platform accelerates IHC and ISH research, offering investigators improvements in ease of use, workflow, and system flexibility.

Who Should Attend

  • R&D scientists
  • Pathologists
  • Cell biologists
  • Researchers interested in high-throughput immunohistochemistry
  • Principal investigators

Produced with support from:

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Edward Abril,
Research Specialist
The University of Arizona Cancer Center

Adrian Murillo,
Discovery Development Manager
Ventana Medical Systems — Member of the Roche Group