A scientific team from the U.S. and Korea reports that laboratory rats models of diabetic neuropathy (DN) can experience both angiogenesis and nerve re-myelination following injections of mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow (BM-MSCs). The study (“Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells improve diabetic neuropathy by direct modulation of both angiogenesis and myelination in peripheral nerves”), which will be published in a future issue of Cell Transplantation, is currently available online.
The researchers used mesenchymal stem cells, which can be easily isolated from a variety of sources, such as adipose tissues, tendons, peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood, and bone marrow. BM-MSCs have been among the most successfully transplanted cells, offering therapeutic benefits for a wide range of conditions, from serious burns to cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and stroke.
In this study, the animals were randomly assigned to BM-MSC or saline injection groups 12 weeks after the induction of diabetes. The non-diabetic control group of rats was age- and sex-matched. DN was confirmed by latency in nerve conduction velocity tests.
“We investigated whether local transplantation of BM-MSCs could attenuate or reverse experimental DN by modulating angiogenesis and restoring myelin, the electrically insulating substance surrounding nerves that is reduced by DN,” said study co-author Young-sup Yoon, M.D., professor at the department of medicine, division of cardiology at Emory University School of Medicine. “In this study we have provided the first evidence that intramuscular injected BM-MSCs migrate to nerves and can play a therapeutic role.”
According to the researchers, their findings indicate that intramuscular injection of MSCs resulted in an increase of multiple angiogenic and neurotrophic factors associated with blood vessel growth and subsequently aided the survival of diabetic nerves, suggesting that BM-MSC transplantation restored both the myelin sheath and nerve cells in diabetic sciatic nerves.
“We identified several new mechanisms by which MSCs can improve DN,” noted the researchers. “First, we demonstrated that numerous engraftments migrated to and survived in the diabetic nerves. Second, we demonstrated a robust increase in vascularity. Third, we found the first evidence that MSCs can directly modulate re-myelination and axonal regeneration.”
The scientists concluded that DN, for which there is no other therapeutic option, can be an “initial target for cell therapy” and that transplantation of BM- MSCs “represents a novel therapeutic option for treating DN.”
“Currently, the only treatment options available for DN are palliative in nature, or are directed at slowing the progression of the disease by tightly controlling blood sugar levels,” says John R. Sladek, Jr., Ph.D., professor of neurology, pediatrics, and neuroscience, department of neurology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. “This study offers new insight into the benefits of cell therapy as a possible treatment option for a disease that significantly diminishes quality of life for diabetic patients. Safety and efficacy for human application must be evaluated to further determine the feasibility of BM-MSC transplantation for treatment of DN.”