May 1, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 9)

Eksigent believes it is unique among significant HPLC vendors in offering micro- and nano-LC instruments only. The Eksigent ExpressLC microLC product line uses columns of .3–1  mm ID and either UV detection for pharmaceutical analysis or a mass detector.

The company’s NanoLC employs microfluidic flow control, which creates rapid, reproducible, low-flow-rate binary gradients using continuous flow measurement combined with a controlled pressure source. Temperature measurement helps adjust for viscosity changes over extended runs and produces excellent retention time reproducibility, according to Remco van Soest, director of product development. Since NanoLC uses no flow splitting, inaccuracies and retention-time variability common in splitter-based systems are eliminated, he adds.

Applications of NanoLC include proteomics, studying post-translational modifications, and biomarker identification. “Sample limitations are the main reason to use nano- and microscale analysis,” says van Soest.

In February, Eksigent introduced its first line of chip-based HPLC instruments, the cHiPLC-nanoflex system for proteomics research. cHiPLC is actually a docking station for up to three microfluidic chips containing any combination of nanoLC or trap columns.

Eksigent introduced the cHiPLC-nanoflex System, a docking station for up to three microfluidic chips that contain nanoLC or trap columns.

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