Focus will be on using stem cells to repair and regenerate damaged tissues.

NovaThera and Gamida Cell are partnering to develop cell therapeutic treatments for lung repair and regeneration. The companies will pool technology and expertise and work together with the clinical team at Papworth Hospital in the U.K. toward advancing cell therapy approaches for treating lung disease.

NovaThera specializes in applications of biomaterials and stem cell biology for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Gamida Cell develops therapeutics using technologies that expand populations of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells such as those derived from cord blood for the treatment of hematological diseases as well as for tissue regeneration applications.

The companies believe that considerable advances in treating lung disease could come from using stem cells to repair and regenerate damaged tissues. Toward this goal, the scientists at Papworth will clinically test populations of cord blood-derived stem cells, expanded by Gamida Cell’s stem/progenitor cell expansion technologies.

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