Candidate: Universal vaccine

Category: VAX

Type: Universal peptide cocktail vaccine designed to combat SARS-CoV-2 as well as other coronaviruses, including SARS and MERS, by including fragments deemed essential for the virus to initiate a highly targeted immune response. The vaccine will target the Spike-protein as well as the E-, M- and N proteins, which myNeo reasons can increase the likelihood of a highly effective vaccine.

Status: myNeo said July 1 that it had identified a cocktail of COVID-19 peptides for development into a universal vaccine designed to provide long-term protection to more than 80% of the global population by activating immune surveillance cells to kill infected or malignant cells. myNEO said it will start preclinical trials in collaboration with an undisclosed European biotech company with a cancer vaccine technology, with the aim of entering human trials in early 2021.

“We are now planning further preclinical work and incorporating the cocktail into an mRNA delivery system with the aim of starting human trials in the next six months,” myNeo CEO Cedric Bogaert stated.

COVID-19: 200 Candidates and Counting

To navigate through the >200 potential therapeutic and vaccine options for COVID-19, GEN has grouped the candidates into four broad categories based on their developmental and (where applicable) clinical progress:

FRONT RUNNER – the most promising therapeutics/vaccines based on clinical progress, favorable data or both.

DEFINITELY MAYBE – earlier phases with promising partners, or more advanced candidates in development that have generated uneven data.

KEEPING AN EYE ON… – interesting technology, attracting notable partners, or both, but preliminary data.

TOO SOON TO TELL – longshots pending additional experimental and/or clinical data.

GEN has also tagged the most common treatment types:


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