Since eyes and ears are focused these days on James Comey and Robert Mueller, this is still worth pondering:
James Comey, when he was deputy attorney general, said he was absolutely certain that no mistake was made in the accusation of Dr Steven Hatfill, accused of mailing anthrax spores. After Dr. Hatfill was exonerated and received more than $5.8 million from the government, Mueller then decided that another microbiologist, Dr. Bruce Ivins, was guilty, and after he committed suicide, Mueller pronounced the case closed. A subsequent investigation by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) suggests Dr. Ivins was innocent as well.
Today. Dr. Hatfill serves as Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Tropical Medicine at George Washington University Medical Center. Named to the position in January 2011, Dr. Hatfill specializes in training biomedical students for assignments in the jungle. The appointment comes in addition Dr. Hatfill’s post as Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the school.