GEN Magazine Volume 32, Issue No. 08, April 15 2012 Website Content From This Issue Website Content from This IssueInsightsUse of siRNA in Therapeutic Arena on the UpswingApril 16, 2012InsightsThe Data Ecosystem in R&DApril 16, 2012InsightsPolicy Makers Seek to Fortify Superbug ResearchApril 16, 2012InsightsSingle-Use Systems Drive Down CostsApril 16, 2012InsightsHigh-Yield Plasmid DNA ProductionApril 16, 2012InsightsOptimizing Biologics FormulationsApril 16, 2012InsightsCracking the PTM CodeApril 16, 2012InsightsTech Tips: Next-Generation SequencingApril 16, 2012InsightsHuman iPSC-Derived CardiomyocytesApril 16, 2012InsightsPeople in the NewsApril 16, 2012InsightsIdentifying the Causes of Differential Gene ExpressionApril 16, 2012InsightsBringing GPCR Research to the ForeApril 16, 2012InsightsRegulatory Environment Warms Up to Obesity DrugsApril 16, 2012InsightsTackling Drug-Resistant Bacterial InfectionsApril 16, 2012InsightsTalking about H5N1 ResearchApril 16, 2012InsightsTransitioning Oligonucleotides from RUO to IVDApril 16, 2012InsightsRedefining Oligonucleotide ProductionApril 16, 2012InsightsFlow Cytometry Doubles as High-Content Analysis ToolApril 16, 2012