October 1, 2008 (Vol. 28, No. 17)
Strong Points: Communications options
Weak Points: Too little information
Start the dramatic music— “Some thought it didn’t even exist—a bacterium that causes most human ulcers. From the folks who brought you the TubercuList Web Server comes The PyloriGene Web Server. Playing at popular browsers near you.” OK. Try as I might, I’m having a hard time getting much excitement up for the PyloriGene Web Server, given that it is produced by the same folks as the preceding site and has most of the same limitations. That’s a shame, of course, because the helicobacter pylori bacterium has an amazing history and, like mycobacterium tuberculosis, is an important human health factor. One distinction about this site over the previous one is that it covers two different strains, which is good. One omission compared to TubercuList is that the opening maps are not “hot-clickable.” That’s not a biggie, though.