Rating: Very Good
Strong Points: Extensive website that contains numerous databases, tools, and community resources.
Weak Points: Sheer size makes it somewhat tricky to navigate.
The Maize Genetics and Genomics Database, also known as MaizeGDB, gathers numerous tools, datasets, and information into one convenient location. The database allows users to search through maize genetic data but also provides numerous additional databases that cover metabolic pathways, mutants, phenotypes, and newly characterized genes. In addition to the databases, the website has an extensive community section. In it, users can find information about upcoming meetings and opportunities for advocacy and outreach. The community section also includes lists of classic articles in the field, data available for download, and documentation of various projects. MaizeGDB also has several tools available on the website, including MaizeMine, a data warehouse that stores genomic and proteomic maize data, and qTeller, which allows users to compare multiple genomes. The Maize Genetics and Genomics Database is an excellent resource that combines numerous functions and databases into one place.