November 15, 2014 (Vol. 34, No. 20)
Strong Points: Large collection of links
Weak Points: No content beside links to other pages
Biochemistry, biochemistry, as far as the eye can see! That is perhaps the best way to describe, a great biochemistry-centric online resource created by Gabriel Fenteany, Ph.D., an associate professor at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Fenteany has amassed a large collection of links to other biochemistry sites, and has organized them in one convenient place. The homepage prominently features 19 subject categories, including angiogenesis, chemical biology, genes and gene expression, and structural biology, to name a few. Selecting any of these categories takes users to a list of links related to that topic. Beyond the subject pages, there are many more links to be discovered by selecting one of the topics in the sidebar. These include general resources and tutorials, scientific research groups, databases and tools, careers and funding, and software, among others. With such a collection of links, it’s safe to say that one can spend quite a bit of time on this website (and the related, linked pages).