June 1, 2016 (Vol. 36, No. 11)
Strong Points: Large amount of information, easy to navigate
Weak Points: None
A medical lab reference app with a calming color palette, the Project LAB app contains a great deal of information for patients receiving results from blood work, metabolic panels, or urine analyses. The app roughly divides the content along these lines into complete blood count, blood chemistry and metabolic panel, and urine analysis panel. Selecting one of these sections displays a comprehensive list of analyses included in the work-up, along with the normal values. Tapping on one of the values displays a full page of information describing the thing that was being measured and some of the effects of increased or decreased levels relative to the normal value range. The app also offers the option to search for specific measurements, a quiz to test your knowledge, and brief descriptions of drugs that are used to treat medical conditions related to the content presented.