April 15, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 8)


Strong Points: Links, directory
Weak Points: Mostly outdated

PENCE (The Protein Engineering Network of Centers of Excellence) appears to be a Canadian consortium of over 100 university/institute researchers from the fields of bioinformatics, protein biochemistry, physics, chemistry, cell biology, and engineering. The interests here, not surprisingly, are to develop new technologies for commercialization. As the name suggests, the main focuses (foci?) of the group relate to proteomics. A good deal of the site appears to be dated (most recent dates listed are 2005), so much of the material (jobs, for example) is of little use. The main parts of the site that do actually function include a nice set of links to Canadian sites of high technology and innovation, as well as a directory of researchers who are participants in the consortium. It would be nice to see this site get fixed and updated. Perhaps a few gentle nudges from readers might make it happen.

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