The Loughborough University-led Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Regenerative Medicine has been awarded £3.5 million (approximately $5.8 million) from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to further its research programs.
The EPSRC CDT in Regenerative Medicine brings together research skills at Loughborough and the two partner institutions involved in the Centre–Keele University and the University of Nottingham. It is jointly sponsored by the Medical Research Council.
“The centre aims to increase the numbers of graduates who have the knowledge and skills to become leaders in this emerging global industry and are able to translate cutting-edge ideas into safe, affordable, cost-effective treatments that combine life-changing impact for patients with maximum commercial value,” said Chris Hewitt, professor of biological engineering at Loughborough University and director of the CDT in Regenerative Medicine. “No one university alone can provide the breadth of internationally-leading research across all areas of regenerative medicine, however, and that’s why our partnership approach, which draws on the strengths of three of the UK’s leading universities in this area, is key to the success of the centre.”
EPSRC was established at the The Loughborough University after receiving more than $13 million in funding from an investment by the U.K. government in January 2010.