November 15, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 20)
Strong Points: Many analysis tools /free software downloads
Weak Points: Some sparse help sections
No, it’s not the “Genetically Modified Organism Database,” as one might guess. (Incidentally, though, there are some good sites about GMOs…stay tuned to future columns!) Anyway, GMOD in this context refers to the Generic Model Organism Database project, which aims to provide researchers with open-source software tools to help manage genome-scale databases. A great way to explore this site is by visiting the “overview” page, which walks visitors through the purpose of the project, as well as each of its components. Alternatively, the “GMOD components” page provides a list of all of the GMOD tools (approximately 40 in total), though it lacks any brief descriptions of these tools. (One must click on each tool individually to access the specific software pages.) The FAQs and HOW TOs pages are a bit light in content, given the scope of the site, but there are a number of mailing lists and a help desk for additional user support.