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While COVID-19 may be entering the endemic phase in much of the world, having a greater understating of the underlying biology of coronaviruses is as essential now as it was when the pandemic first began. Furthermore, harnessing the advanced innovations that comprise much of the synthetic biology realm is critical to deciphering the inter-workings of this highly adaptable virus.

In this GEN webinar, our distinguished speaker, Dr. Silvi Rouskin, will focus much of her presentation on the biology of coronaviruses and how synthetic biology enables the study of coronavirus gene expression and recombination. This groundbreaking research ultimately aims to lead to a greater understanding of these processes while expediting the design of novel therapeutics and helping to prepare for future pandemics.

Join us to learn more about synthetic biology applications for nested genomes, frameshifting, discontinuous transcription, recombination in coronaviruses, and how an automated platform can optimize their build.


A live Q&A followed the presentation, offering a chance to pose questions to our expert panelist.

Silvi Rouskin, PhD
Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School

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