Thermo Fisher Scientific entered into a Technology Alliance Partner agreement with scientists at the University of Birmingham, U.K., to accelerate research in high-resolution accurate mass and triple quadrupole liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) for life science applications.
The alliance will focus on metabolomics and proteomics. Thermo Fisher Scientific will work with the laboratories of Professor Mark Viant and Dr. Warwick Dunn to develop and test new hardware and software approaches for metabolite detection and identification for environmental and clinical research. The company will also work with Dr. Helen Cooper’s lab to exploit high-resolution mass spectrometry and gas-phase ion chemistry for top-down and bottom-up analysis of proteins.
The collaboration includes engaging in research, sharing samples and data that could lead to development of better techniques, exchanging ideas for improving instrument and software performance, ongoing conversations about current technology issues, promoting the training of graduate students, and publishing new methodology and scientific advances.
The partnership builds upon the University of Birmingham’s Systems Science for Health initiative, which focuses on introducing a variety of life science technologies into clinical research. It follows almost a decade of collaboration between the two organizations.