Firm will provide LC/MS tools, training, as well as technical support and services.
Waters has recognized the Center for Proteomics at the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) as a Waters Center of Innovation. Through this program, Waters supports research that facilitates breakthroughs, using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, in various areas like health and life science, food safety, environmental protection, and sports medicine.
Waters will provide instrumentation, training, as well as technical support and services. TGen’s Center for Proteomics laboratory currently uses Waters® Synapt® G2 high-definition mass spectrometer and several Acquity UPLC®/Xevo® TQ-S mass spectrometer LC/MS/MS systems in support of its research.
Commenting on TGen’s new status, TGen president and research director Jeffrey Trent, Ph.D., says, “Whether it’s through our discovery-based research or our clinical programs, our focus is to provide patient benefit as quickly as we can. My hope and expectation is that in many unique ways the Waters Centers of Innovation Program will help us accelerate our research and further our goal of providing personalized medicine to each patient in the future.”
Waters Centers of Innovation program includes under 20 partners worldwide. While most member institutes are well established, TGen, which was created in 2002, is one of the youngest organizations to join the initiative.
“One of our core strengths is in biomarker discovery and verification,” notes Konstantinos Petritis, Ph.D., head of TGen’s Center for Proteomics. “With the infrastructure we’ve put into place, we are making steady progress in the development of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for lung, colon, breast, and pancreatic cancer as well as other diseases.”