Spatiotemporal Omics: Advances to Integrate Multi-Omics Data

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You’ve discovered some interesting biology and have a set of required parameters, thousands of data points, a budget and a deadline. How can you harness the power of computational chemistry to reach your next milestone faster, and more cost effectively?

Spatiotemporal Omics: Advances to Integrate Multi-Omics Data eBook coverCombining genomic data with spatial information has provided compelling insights into cellular activity that improve our understanding of biology. Measuring cellular gene expression while capturing information about the spatial context (including morphology and relationships between cells) is critical for understanding both functional and diseased biological processes. To date, the technology has been used to study the tumor microenvironment, in neurodegeneration, cell and organ development as well as plant biology research.

This eBook will discuss some of the wide-ranging applications of spatial technology using examples that demonstrate the technology’s ability to provide a more fine-grained picture of cells’ underlying molecular mechanisms in areas such as digital pathology and developmental biology. The key takeaways include:

  • The capabilities of Stereo-seq technology, designed for exploring the whole transcriptome at subcellular resolution from fresh frozen and FFPE samples up to decimeter-scale.
  • Stereo-seq’s ability to integrate multi-omics data such as protein expression information for cell-type identification, tissue microenvironment exploration, and more.