MicroRNA therapeutic-focused Dutch firm InteRNA Technologies has agreed to help investigate the role of miRNAs in neurodegenerative diseases in a pact with the Neuroallianz Consortium—an academic-industry partnership of which UCB and the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn in Germany are two partners. This collaboration is a part of a project partnered by the University of Bonn and UCB and funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) in Germany.
Per the agreement, InteRNA, which claims to have access to one of the largest miRNA libraries in the world, will use its platform for multiparametric, high-throughput functional screening assays to identify and validate the role of individual miRNAs and novel therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative disease. The firm will be working with Jeroen Pasterkamp, Ph.D., professor of translational neuroscience at UMC Utrecht, to do this.
“The selection of InteRNA to support this program validates the uniqueness of our platform and confirms its potential use outside oncology”, the firm’s CEO, Roel Schaapveld, said in a statement.