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To gain insight into the immense complexity of biological structures such as the brain, it is imperative that investigators take an integrative approach that employs multi-omic technology and data. For instance, a complex neurological structure like the pituitary, which is considered the “master gland” of the endocrine system, regulates vital physiological functions, including growth, sexual maturation, reproduction, and lactation. A detailed characterization of pituitary cell populations and their underlying gene regulatory programs is needed to better understand cellular functions in this structurally complex tissue—just the right spot for some cutting-edge multi-omic studies.
In this GEN webinar, we will hear about a newly developed integrated single nucleus (sn) multi-omics analysis using snap-frozen adult murine pituitaries. Moreover, our guest speaker, Dr. Frederique Ruf-Zamojski, will explain how she expanded upon her findings in mice to build single nucleus resolution atlases of gene expression and chromatin accessibility in human pituitaries from three age groups—analyzing them simultaneously by snRNA-seq and snATAC-seq. In addition to describing the current landscape at single nucleus resolution of gene expression, chromatin accessibility, and methylation in murine and human pituitaries, we will learn about the power of multi-omics studies to study regulatory networks and gene control mechanisms relevant to physiology and disease.
A live Q&A session followed the presentation, offering you a chance to pose questions to our expert panelist.
Webinar produced with support from:
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai