February 15, 2013 (Vol. 33, No. 4)
Strong Points: Nice organization, especially on “browse” page; many datasets
Weak Points: No longer updated—most recent studies are from 2010
Do you work with Drosophila? Are you planning any RNAi experiments? If you answered “yes” to those questions, then I have a website that may really help your project take “FLIGHT.” FLIGHT, developed by a group at the Institute of Cancer Research in the U.K., is a website that brings together data from both in vivo and in vitro RNAi screens in Drosophila. Containing more than 100 datasets, the site allows users to browse or search the compiled information, and also offers the option for users to upload and analyze their own datasets. The “browse” page is conveniently organized, giving a topic heading to each project (such as “neural development”), the PubMed link to the original publication, and the ability to view the hits from the RNAi screen within the browser.