Speed and accuracy are qualities that all scientists look for in their experiments, and with genome engineering studies becoming ever more ubiquitous, these attributes are more critical than ever. Large scale gene editing assays need to be checked quickly for clones that have the appropriate genotype. Compared with more traditional technologies, CRISPR screening has higher specificity to its genomic target, which means investigators can get a much cleaner signal from their samples. As attention toward cancer cell behavior in various microenvironments of the body has been growing, so too has an interest in using CRISPR screening to find the underlying genes responsible for tumor growth and differentiation.
In this GENcast, our panelists will discuss how some of the various challenges and approaches to CRISPR screening. Moreover, we will discuss the use of in vivo CRISPR screens for cancer and other human diseases. Finally, our panelists will tell us how they see the genome-editing field evolving and what services are available to streamline the workflows for laboratory researchers and clinal investigators. Take a listen!

Carlos le Sage, PhD
Functional Genomic Screening
Horizon Discovery

James Goldmeyer, PhD
Product Manager
Horizon Discovery
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