Companies claim partnership will offer faster patient recruitment and access to services.
India-based CRO GVK Biosciences has become part of ResearchPoint Global (RPG), a worldwide partnership comprising CROs and technology service providers.
RPG claims GVK Bio will complement its existing presence in the Americas, Africa, as well as Western, Central, and Eastern Europe. It says that this expansion into India will offer a number of benefits for clinical trials, including a large population, qualified medical personnel, and well-established regulations.
“This partnership enables GVK BIO to participate in global trials while focusing on local investigators/recruitment and leveraging lower local costs,” comments GVK Bio president, Manni Kantipudi. “While both ResearchPoint Global and GVK BIO are full-service CROs offering services independently, together, we hope to offer faster patient recruitment and access to our complete suite of functional services including clinical-data management, medical writing, and biostatistics.”