March 15, 2012 (Vol. 32, No. 6)
Strong Points: Hundreds of clinical test interpretations
Weak Points: Cluttered with advertisements, pdfs cost money
An aptly named website if ever I saw one, ClinLab Navigator is designed as a resource for medical professionals and researchers to demystify clinical laboratory tests. The site provides over 500 laboratory test interpretations, as well as an entire section devoted to transfusion guidelines. (The test interpretations are frequently updated, so the site reflects the most current state of the field.) The site design makes it unclear at first whether this information is freely accessible—indeed, the site looks as if it is selling something, and there are repeated mentions of purchasing a subscription. As it turns out, all of the information on the site is free…it’s only if you want a pdf version that it will cost you. It is unfortunate that the overall aesthetic of the website is poor. There are way too many advertisements, and it really does detract from the information being presented.